That aircrafts are powerful vessels, we already know. But just how much power they actually possess is something this video clearly reveals.
Have a watch below.
The small Carribean island of St. Marteen is already well-known for its Princess Juliana International Airport which features a runway directly on the beach.
Tourists on the small Maho beach strip are therefore at very close proximity to planes taking on – and off the airport.
This leads to some pretty extraordinary experience – albeit also somewhat disconcerting.
In the clip below, we witness a Boeing 747-400 jumbo jet preparing for takeoff, while curious sunbathers on Maho beach stand to watch.
But as the aircraft’s engines begin to take real force, the sunbathers are in for a surprise- one they’ll surely never forget.
All I can say is I’m glad no one was injured, and that there was water nearby for the bathers to practically fly into!
Have a watch for yourself below; note that it takes about a minute before those engines really roar.
Share this with your friends if this also blew you away – no pun intended!
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