
Tiktok user catches dad helping baby get exercise in the funniest way on their flight

Tiktok user catches dad helping baby get exercise in the funniest way on their flight

When most people must travel with their babies, they dread the energy and fatigue their infant will express in the ...

'Jetsons' fans discover that George Jetson was actually born this year

Many generations of kids remember watching The Jetsons, the classic Hanna-Barbera cartoon about the family of the future. Created as ...

Witty grandma distributes Ouija boards to loved ones at her funeral: 'Let's keep in touch'

One scary thing about dying is leaving all of our loved ones behind. When Jo Marie Perryman, or Jodie as ...

8-year-old sneaks his handwritten comic book onto library shelf, now it has a years-long waitlist

A new author has been receiving a lot of attention after they used an unconventional approach to get their debut ...

'Exhausted' 9-year-old's response to shoveling on a snow day is extremely relatable: 'I'm tired'

Carter Trozzolo is exhausted. The third grader recently went viral after he was interviewed by CTV News Toronto as he ...

Veteran who says drinking beer everyday is the key to a long life turns 103

There are many healthy experts who will give you the usual tips on how to life a longer life: eat ...