Have you ever dreamed of living in an igloo? If so, I suggest you go to the North of Finland and get a room at Kakslauttanen Artic Resort. The wilderness is your closest neighbour and apart from unique glass iglos the hotel area is surrounded by cozy log cabins in different sizes. The hotel also offers a restaurant and a wedding chapel. Not that far away from the area you have Urho Kekkkonens national park with its stunning nature. You can live her both summer and winter, but one of the benefits of going here in the winter is that you’re able to spend your nights in an igloo covered with snow…
The hotel entrance. Doesn’t look cozy?
The igloo’s are built to keep the heat even when the temperature is down at minus 20.
With the northern lights as your closest neighbour it’s difficult to complain…
So beautiful!
Some of the cabins in the area.
The rooms are adorable.
I wouldn’t mind waking up here!
One of the rooms in the cabin.
Nice restaurant. Look at the rustic joists!
The chapel. One of a kind.
And this is what’s waiting for the newlyweds after the ceremony.
A glass of champagne in the bathtub? Yes, please!
Source: Kakslauttanen Artic Resort
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