Passions vary greatly. One might love to bake, cycle, play sports, draw. But Ra Paulette has a passion like few – if any- others do. He is so passionate about his unique form of art that he devoted the last 25 years of his life to it, quite literally isolating himself from the outside world to spend hour after hour in the sandstones hills of northern New Mexico, USA. And that he did with just his dog for company. Here is his amazing story.

I can’t help it– I think it’s all worth it. When I see the designs he’s created, I am speechless. They are some of the most magnificent, impressive and unique works of art I have ever seen.

I never would have expected to see this inside the cave. Ra really seems to have created an underground fantasy world, and it quickly awakened every bit of imagination I have! Frankly, I think his work is indescribable. It is just something to take in.

I also don’t know the last time I came across someone as passionate about something as Ra is for his art. He has no formal academic background in sculpture, architecture or structural engineering, yet is unbelievably talented and masterful at what he does.

When asked if he is obsessed with his art, Ra simply responds: “Would you call a child being obsessed with play? When you’re doing something you love and you’re drawn to it, you want to do it all of the time.”
“Most of the wonder that I feel is in the actual making of the caves. Then I move on if I want fresh wonder,” he says with a laugh.
Ra has designed phenomenal cave living spaces for clients, charging a negligible $12/hour. For Ra, it is not about the money.
“It’s the process. I’m having the time of my life,” he explains.

Needless to say, Ra’s work is extremely unique. How wonderful to have such dedication and passion! I hope Ra continues to do what clearly brings him peace and joy.
Take a look at the report below featuring Ra’s work. An Emmy-award winning documentary about Ra’s work, “Cave Digger”, also follows this man’s amazing life work.
Feel free to like and share this man’s amazing work with your family and friends if you thought it was amazing too.
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