Mom leaves daughters alone with their dad – then gets a shock when she returns

When Darius was about to turn 40, he found out that he had cancer. And as if that weren’t enough, he also lost his job and all of his money. Having previously enjoyed his life as a provider for his wife and two children, Darius felt that the spark of life was disappearing.

But even though he had been hit with a series of setbacks in life, Darius decided to step up and do something special for his family. So he secretly drew up a plan to transform his family’s backyard—a plan that would also give him new strength in his fight against cancer.

Darius had long thought that his backyard looked rather depressing, so he thought he’d take the opportunity to build a large playground for his children and an outdoor space where his wife could exercise.

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After searching online and and building a small model, Darius had a clear picture of how he wanted his project to take shape. So he surprised his wife with a five-day trip to New York. And as soon as he got back from dropping his wife off at the airport, Darius eagerly got to work as his daughters cheered him on.

Image Source: YouTube

The whole project was done for much less money than you’d imagine. Darius’ friends and family chipped in for materials as a birthday gift, and Darius covered the rest.

Image Source: YouTube

Seeing the finished project, I have to say, Darius really did a fabulous job transforming his backyard was totally transformed. And while Darius and his family got a new backyard, Darius also got the spark back in his life and the strength to keep fighting.

“The kids love their new space. My wife loves our backyard. And I feel strangely satisfied. It felt good to build this. It sort of gave me a renewed verve for keeping going. Pursuing my dreams and taking the struggle that comes with that in stride,” he wrote on his blog.

Watch Darius transform his family’s backyard here:

An incredible project and an equally inspiring story! Share please this video with your friends!

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