Puppy with spina bifida stood up by potential adopter, now hundreds want to give him a loving home

A 9-month-old puppy is in need of a new home after he was recently stood up by his potential adopter.

Jack, an American Bulldog, has spina bifida and is in need of a forever home.

Jack was very sad when his meet and greet person was a no show, no call. He had a bath, got his fancy harness on, had a…

Posted by Peaches Bully Rescue on Friday, January 22, 2021

Recently, Peaches Bully Rescue shared a heart-wrenching story about Jack. The 9-month-old puppy arrived at the West Chester, Ohio rescue in need of emergency care for his uretha.

Thankfully, after multiple surgeries he recovered, but due to his diagnosis of spina bifida, the rescue said he would need to wear a diaper full time.

Tonight we are sharing this adorable guy from Our Rescue!!! Let’s help them find baby Jack a forever home !!!!!! Please…

Posted by Peaches Bully Rescue on Friday, January 8, 2021

While the word was put out to find Jack a forever home – preferably one where he was the only dog – he was sent to live with a foster home where he thrived.

Finally the day came for Jack to meet his potential forever family. Jack dressed to impress, but in the end it was for nothing.

Although he did manage a snazzy mini photoshoot and a new toy out of it.

Jack was very sad when his meet and greet person was a no show, no call. He had a bath, got his fancy harness on, had a…

Posted by Peaches Bully Rescue on Friday, January 22, 2021

His potential adopter never showed.

According to Peaches Bully Rescue, Jack’s foster team drove an hour and 20 minutes, round trip, for a meet and greet only to learn that Jack’s potential new family was a no show.

They didn’t even call.

“Obviously, that wasn’t his family,” the rescue shared on Facebook. “Morgan, the nice lady from Cabela’s, bought him a new toy to help him forget this experience.”

‘Your family will come sweet boy and when they do, they will be perfect.’

Tonight we are sharing this adorable guy from Our Rescue!!! Let’s help them find baby Jack a forever home !!!!!! Please…

Posted by Peaches Bully Rescue on Friday, January 8, 2021

Almost immediately the love for Jack started pouring in in the form of toys, food, and the hundreds of applications from people who wanted nothing more than to give Jack the loving home that he deserved.

“Who knew that our little Jack Jack would be so widely loved ? and we could be so blessed.”

Jack and our team are so touched by the immense support and networking that this community has done. We have received…

Posted by Peaches Bully Rescue on Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Volunteers are currently working to respond to the more than 600 inquires and 200 applications from those interested in adopting Jack.

Their intention is to have Jack meet families “very soon” and will keep fans of the new viral star updated.

It breaks my heart that someone had the nerve to leave Jack waiting, but it gives me hope that so many people have stepped up to offer their home to this 9-month-old pup.

I hope he goes home to a new family very, very soon.

Share this story on Facebook if you can’t wait to see Jack in his forever home.