Portland police implement new, relaxed tattoo policy for officers

Many jobs enforce a dress code or personal appearance policy. Some are more relaxed than others.

When you join a police force you must comply with their policies regarding your personal appearance. If the policy states no facial hair, then having a beard is definitely against the rules. The same goes for tattoos.


Like a lot of police departments and other places of employment around the country, the Portland Police Department in Portland, Maine restricted employees from displaying tattoos.

But thanks to a recent change in policy, members of the Portland police force will now be able to proudly display the art on their body.

Here at the Portland Police Department, we pride ourselves on upholding long-standing traditions. As we enter Maine's…

Posted by Portland Maine Police Department on Wednesday, March 4, 2020

In a Facebook post announcing the change, the Portland Police Department said that while they pride themselves in upholding traditions, it’s time for a change.

“Today, tattoos are viewed more as a form of self-expression and are much more socially acceptable.”

No longer are tattoos considered “unprofessional and unacceptable.”

The department said they hope to attract a new group of qualified applicants with the new rules. Although police officers will now be allowed to display their tattoos, there are still some rules. Face, neck, and hand tattoos–ring tattoos are allowed–are prohibited.

“Professionalism is defined as ‘the conduct, aims, or qualities that characterize or mark a profession or a professional person’ not by the art on your body.”

What do you think of the Portland Police Department’s new policy? Let us know on Facebook.