Helping someone in need is a matter of course for many of us, but unfortunately it doesn’t seem to be so obvious to others. This story was posted on Facebook recently, and it really showed me two things. First, there are too many people out there who’d rather laugh and point at people suffering from a disability than help them when they obviously need it. The other thing is that thankfully, there are still some nice people out there who won’t hesitate one second to intervene when they see a fellow human in need. In any case, I was so happy to find out how the story ends that I thought I’d share it with you here. If you’re as moved by it as I was, share it with your friends!

“I’m in line at Costco’s food court and my hands are completely full with food, my wallet, phone and keys when I see this blind man struggling. He had his food in one hand, his cup clenched with his teeth and his seeing stick in his other hand. He was walking slowly trying not to drop anything but at the same time trying to make his way to the soda fountain to get a drink. He seemed so overwhelmed as it was crowded, loud and hot.
People were just staring at him like he was entertainment. The teenagers in front of me were like, ‘look at him.’ Everything in me wanted to drop everything and help him; seeing as no one was. However I couldn’t leave my kids and things behind.
Then, out of nowhere this man in blue appears. He tells him, ‘hi, I’m here to help you.’ He proceeds to read the sodas off to him, fills it up with the man’s choice, takes his plate for him, lets the man hang onto him and walks him to a table in the shade. Then he cleans the table, gets him napkins and makes sure he’s OK.
Afterwards, the man in blue proceeds to go back to his table to finish his meal. I don’t know who he was, but when everyone else was just staring at the struggling man, he stopped and took action. Thank you man in blue. If you know who he is, tell him he is awesome. We need more people like him.”
Please help pay tribute to this anonymous hero by sharing this story and spreading the word about his kind act!
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