Donald Trump said he is proud of daughter Tiffany Trump, “to a lesser extent”

Donald Trump’s children Ivanka, Eric and Donald Trump Jr. have all played a big part in their fathers presidency, as well as in the Trump empire. However, one who has really been outside the spotlight is Tiffany Trump.

Born during Trump’s second marriage to Marla Maples, Tiffany went her own way, not getting a part of the big Trump Organization. But did her father actually want her to even be a part of it?

This is all you need to know about Tiffany Trump!

Let’s start with taking a look at her parents – Marla Maples and Donald Trump – to get a better understanding of what differs Tiffany Trump from the rest of the former president’s children.

Move to New York City

Marla Maples pursued a career in acting before moving to New York City in 1985. At that point, Donald Trump was married to Ivana Trump, with whom he had children Ivanka, Donald Trump Jr, and Eric.

Marla took acting classes and dreamed about being in a soap opera. Alongside her friends, she often went to Aspen, but at the same time as she was having fun, work didn’t come easily.

“A psychic told me I’m just a little girl inside this grown-up body,” she said in the 1990 interview with V.F. “That’s what makes me feel uncomfortable—I forget I have this body. I’m just a little girl.”

However, while Marla Maples tried to find work in New York City, Donald Trump’s marriage to Ivana Trump was at the tipping point.

Marla Maples Donald Trump

Maples said she met Donald Trump for the first time in 1985. They had an instant connection, but she recalls that the timing wasn’t right. They spent a lot of time talking on the telephone, though they didn’t meet in public.

How did Marla Maples meet Donald Trump?

Marla Maples ran into Donald several times following her New York City stay. And while she understood his marriage with Ivana was going down the drain, the started to have feelings for him.

“By ’88, I knew I truly loved this guy,” Maples said in a New York magazine interview.

Maples tried to stay away from things, but before long, the newspaper Page Six had ran her photograph and name as someone who was Donald Trump’s “new girl”.

Maples recalled a very uncomfortable meeting with Ivana in Colorado, after her name and photograph had been in newspapers all over New York City.

“When we saw each other in Colorado, Ivana and I, it was just a moment of both of us wanting to know the truth,” Maples said.

“It was good that the truth became known, but that was also when the real pain began. I realized that we had both been deceived. You’re left in a very uncomfortable position – and the world knows about it.”

Marla Maples Donald Trump

Just a month later, while watching a boxing match on the television, Marla Maples came across a flash about Donald and Ivana divorcing. And soon, the two of them started to date.

Who is Tiffany Trump?

“I loved this man. Yes, I was young, but it was my choice. I was romanced, I had Mister Charm all over me, and it was very hard to say no. When that man wants something, he’ll stop at nothing to get it. And I also believed in the good of him,” said Maples.

However, dating Donald Trump also came with certain standards. Maples had to keep up with a certain standard since she was going to be a public figure as Donald Trump’s girlfriend. Her hair and makeup always had to be perfect, and she only wore designer dresses. In the end, it felt like she became a caricature of herself.

She didn’t really like it, but the two got married in 1993. They welcomed daughter Tiffany Trump the same year.

Tiffany Trump has stayed out of the spotlight for large parts of her life, at least compared to the rest of Trump’s children. And by reading her story, it looks like that she wasn’t the one Donald Trump wanted to inherit the Trump empire.

So what has Tiffany Trump done throughout her life? And how did she become friends with Joe Biden’s granddaughter?

Marla Maples Tiffany Trump

Tiffany Trump – early life

At the point Tiffany Trump was born, her half-siblings in Eric, Donald Trump Jr and Ivanka went through a really tough period.

Their parents had a very public divorce, and angry and confused, the eldest Donald Trump Jr. blamed his father.

“Listen, it’s tough to be a 12-year-old. You’re not quite a man, but you think you are. You think you know everything,” Trump Jr. said. “Being driven into school every day and you see the front page and it’s divorce! ‘THE BEST SEX I EVER HAD!‘ And you don’t even know what that means.”

Donald Trump had had a fight over the right to raise his three children and now, he had a fourth with wife Marla Maples.

Tiffany Trump – also called the “wild-card” daughter of Donald Trump – was born on October 13, 1993, in West Palm Beach, Florida.

Named after the Tiffany & Co. jewelry store on Fifth Avenue in New York City, Tiffany spent the majority of her early childhood years in “The Big Apple,” where the majority of her father’s real estate empire was based.

She was seen together with her step-siblings at bigger family celebrations. However, when she was only 9 years of age, Donald Trump and Marla Maples got divorced.

Tiffany Trump – early life

Speaking to Access Hollywood, Marla explained that they weren’t the best match after all.

“Well, he and I, were so different, as you could probably imagine,” she said. “I think you always hope in a marriage that you can bring the best out in each other. But after many years, we realized we weren’t.”

Marla Maples had to sign a prenup before her marriage to Donald Trump, and it was a tough one. According to Vanity Fair, the prenup showed that Trump really wanted to protect the money he had. Sourced told the magazine that Maples wanted $25 million, however Trump only agreed to pay her $1 million if they separated within five years.

In addition, she’d receive another $1 million to buy a house. Trump would also would stop making $100,000 child support payments for Tiffany when she turned 21. If she got a full-time job, enlisted in the military or joined the Peace Corps earlier than that, the payments would cease altogether.

Following the divorce, Maples virtually disappeared from the spotlight, and she brought Tiffany with her to Calabasas just outside the central parts of Los Angeles.

Tiffany Trump was raised by “a single mother,” as Marla Maples says. She attended the prestigious Viewpoint School and soon, Marla and Tiffany found themselves hanging out with the famous Kardashians.

Relationship with Ivanka Trump

Marla Maples wanted to become an actress, but Tiffany chose another path. Only a teenager, she released single, Like a Bird, with singers Sprite and Logic.

“I love music, but right now my priority is just focusing on school and getting into a good college,” Tiffany said during a Where Are They Now? segment on the Oprah Winfrey’s show.

Eve though there’s been a lot of attention between their parents, Tiffany seams to have a good relationship with her half-siblings. In 2011, Ivanka helped Tiffany get a summer internship at Vouge, and later spoke highly of her.

“We would see each other on all of the holidays and talk to each other frequently,” Ivanka told People. “I’ve been close to Tiffany her whole life, and I really love her.” 

However, her relationship with Marla Maples isn’t quite as close.

“I’m not,” Ivanka says about being close with Marla. “She was out in California and really my relationship is with Tiffany.”


Tiffany Trump continued on the family tradition by studying at the University of Pennsylvania, just like her father. While studying, she actually came closer to the Biden family that any Trump family member have.

Friends with Naomi Biden

She became great friends with Naomi Biden, President Biden’s granddaughter. Both Donald Trump and Biden were in attendance at the girls’ graduation ceremony, and security was massive.

“This is about a dad and a grandfather here to see their daughter and granddaughter graduate,” one father attending the ceremony told Inquirer. “Of course, they come here with a big security posse. But it’s still about a dad and a grandfather.”

Back in 2018, during a weekend trip to the Hamptons, Tiffany posted a picture with Naomi that featured a pink and purple heart. According to Guest of a Guest, Tiffany and Naomi were there to catch a World Ocean’s Day performance by Jaden Smith.

Tiffany Trump graduated in 2016, and at that point, she came very close to her fathers business. However, this time it was about running for president.

Work on presidential campaign

Alongside her siblings, Tiffany went on the road appearing a number of times during the campaign.

On the second night of the 2016 Republican National Convention, she gave a speech, but said she was very nervous.

“Like my father, I never back down from challenges, so here I am, a little new to the convention scene, but very honored and confident in the man America is coming to know,” Tiffany Trump said.

After the election, Tiffany toured Harvard, Columbia, and NYU law schools before choosing Washington, the new Trump family headquarters.

Last year, she graduated from Georgetown University.

“Great student, great school,” the former president wrote on Twitter. “Just what I need is a lawyer in the family. Proud of you, Tiff!”.


Eric, Donald Trump Jr. and Ivanka have all been very close to their father, both in private as well as work wise. However, it seems like Tiffany and Donald Trump have not always have had the best relationship.

Donald Trump: “It’s very separate”

Speaking with New York magazine in 2004 about his three children from the marriage with Ivana, Trump suddenly stopped the interviewer and spoke about Tiffany… in sort of a strange way:

“You know I have another daughter, with Marla, named Tiffany?” Trump said. “She’s just a beautiful great kid also. But it’s very separate. When you have separate wives, it’s sort of … separate. Marla was a good person, as was Ivana. But I’m married to my business. It’s been a marriage of love. So, for a woman, frankly, it’s not that easy in terms of relationships. But there are a lot of assets.”

Marla Maples said that Trump was true in his statement about the relationship with his job.

Proud of her to “a lesser extent”?

“There were times when all of us wished we had more of Donald’s ear and his focus, especially when we’d have family dinners on Friday,” she said.

“‘Can you turn off the financial news for a moment, please?’ But those kids always knew that he was unique in a way, that he’s got to run that company. I’ve watched that also with Tiffany. A lot of the fathers are here for all her basketball games, but she knows her dad loves her.”

Tiffany Trump might not have played a big part in her father’s 2016 presidential campaign. But on election day, Donald Trump said he was proud of Tiffany “to a lesser extent.”

“I’m very proud of my children. I mean, I’m just looking at them right now as an example… but I’m very proud ’cause Don and Eric and Ivanka and, you know, to a lesser extent, ’cause she just got out of school, out of college, but, uh, Tiffany, who’s also been so terrific. I mean, they work so hard,” Donald Trump said.

Tiffany Trump – fiancé

Tiffany Trump is happily engaged to Michael Boulos. They met a number of years ago, but their friendship soon turned into love.

They are about to get married, thoughy a date isn’t yet decided. Boulos has, according to several reports been “approved” by the Trump family – and especially Donald Trump – and her mother Marla Maples likes him a lot:

“I adore Michael!” she told T&C.

One day after the inauguration of President Joe Biden, Tiffany Trump took to Instagram to praise her beloved fiancé.

“It has been an honor to celebrate many milestones, historic occasions and create memories with my family here at the White House, none more special than my engagement to my amazing fiancé Michael! Feeling blessed and excited for the next chapter!” Tiffany Trump wrote.

Tiffany Trump hasn’t been in the spotlight as much as her siblings. And who knows, would Donald Trump think differently of her daughter if that was the case?

We don’t know what happens next for Tiffany Trump, if she’ll be a bigger part of the Trump organization or not. But no matter what, we wish her all the best in the future!

Please, share this article with friends and family to honor Tiffany for going her own way in life!


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