Doctor dies from coronavirus after working without gloves because they ran out

A Italian doctor has died from coronavirus after explaining in a TV interview how he was being forced to treat patients without gloves.

As per reports, Marcello Natali, 57, from Codogno, in the northern province of Lombardy, was interviewed by Euronews before he tested positive. He discussed the fact that he was working without gloves and the fact that there were an alarming number of doctors who were being infected.

Of the gloves, Natali said simply: “they have run out.”

He continued: “We certainly weren’t prepared to face such a situation. Especially those of our generation, that of the post-antibiotic era, who grew up thinking that a pill against disease was enough.

“We have fewer visits to the clinic by choice because we want as little access as possible to an area that is a potential location for contamination.”

Upon testing positive, Natali was hospitalized in Cremona before later being transferred to a hospital in Milan when he developed double pneumonia.

His passing was confirmed by the Italian Federation of General Practitioners. Regional secretary Paola Pedrini described the outbreak of coronavirus in Italy as a “war”.

She revealed how in Bergamo provinces, 110 doctors out of 600 were sick and medical supplies were running low.

As per Euronews, she said: “The situation has not got better since the end of February. We received some masks, some gloves, kit, nothing else. A mask that should last half-a-day, here lasts a week.

“We practice a lot over the phone, when possible, to avoid the spread of the virus and getting in contact with asymptomatic people who still carry the virus.”

At the time of writing, Italy has surpassed China with regards to deaths from coronavirus. The total number of cases in the country is believed to now be over 41,000, with 3,405 people having lost their lives.

What terrifying times we’re living in. I can’t send enough praise to all the brave doctors and nurses doing their absolute best to save others despite the frightening conditions.

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