Baby girl takes last breath, dies in mom’s arms just days before her 1st birthday – rest in peace

As a parent, your biggest worry and priority is to keep your child safe and healthy. If you know something isn’t right with your baby, you cannot help but worry about them!

The worst nightmare for any parent is to know their child is sick and not be able to do much about it.

Anissa Machado was only a 19-year-old single mom when she welcomed her daughter Milani Yasmine into the world. Instead of being scared about facing life as a parent alone, Machado was confident and excited to give her little girl everything that she needed.

But Machado was given a shock when she was told that her daughter had been born with a heart defect. She was born with a rare condition called Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome. This meant the little girl would have a difficult time with her health.

The young mom from Arizona did not let this diagnosis phase her and allowed doctors to do everything they could to make her little girl healthy. The newborn was kept in the NICU for months before she was moved to the CVICU in Phoenix Children’s Hospital.

Seeing how her little girl had never stepped out of the hospital in her short life, Machado decided to decorate the walls in her daughter’s room to make it look more festive and friendly for a newborn.

Machado did everything she could to make sure her little girl was getting better. So when doctors revealed at 10 months old that she needs to undergo open heart surgery, Machado agreed. On August 11, 2022, the little girl underwent the surgery.

Following the surgery, she spent a few days recovering in the hospital before she was finally allowed to go home. Of course, even when she was sent home she had some special needs that had to be taken care of. Such as her feeding tube, her oxygen machine, and a plethora of daily medication.


Milani taught SO many people new things every single day. I hope this could be some teachings extended to you guys. TO…

Posted by Anissa Machado on Sunday, October 16, 2022

It was getting harder and harder for Machado to take care of her little girl while also running her business. This is when she decided to ask her 18-year-old sister Bianca to move in with them to help out.

While Bianca had to put her own life on hold, she did not even think twice before agreeing to move in because her life also revolved around her baby niece.

While Machado focused on her work to make sure she was bringing home enough money to cover her daughter’s medical expenses, her sister helped to look after the baby.

Milani taught SO many people new things every single day. I hope this could be some teachings extended to you guys. TO…

Posted by Anissa Machado on Sunday, October 16, 2022

Machado’s aunt, Amanda Rodriguez, noted how lucky her niece felt, she wrote, “She [Machado] was so grateful that she was chosen to be Milani’s mommy.”

She talked about how hard she saw her niece working, day and night, to make sure she was making enough money to easily pay for her daughter’s medical expenses. But unfortunately, fate had other plans when it came to baby Yasmine.

The family was still excited about the little girl’s first birthday. She would have turned one year old on 19th October. But unfortunately, just a few days before her birthday, something heartbreaking happened.

On October 13, something happened that turned their lives upside down. The little girl’s health took a turn for the worse, and as Machado held her baby, she took her last breaths and passed away in her mother’s arms.

The young mother posted on Facebook about her harrowing experience. She wrote, “Even though every day was scary but at the same time, every moment was so beautiful with her because no matter what, she just radiated love and peace.”

She went on to describe her baby as, “There was chaos going on inside of her, but she was the most calm loving baby.”

While it was hard to part ways with her daughter and come to terms with her loss, she also acknowledged the amount of joy her daughter had given her in the short time she was there.

She posted tributes to her little girl, about how much she appreciated the little time they had together and how there were “not enough words to explain this pain.”

Milani is my bestie😊 I love love love being a mom to my perfect angel . She is beyond trusting and so patient with her…

Posted by Anissa Machado on Sunday, May 8, 2022

The family has set up a GoFundMe page to help with the expenses they are set to incur with little Yasmine’s funeral. They are raising $5,000 out of which over $3,000 have been raised.

This is surely a difficult time for the family but hopefully, they will be able to get through it with one another’s help.

It is never easy to lose a loved one, especially someone who was so young and had so much life to live. We are sending are condolences to the family of little Yasmine.

May the little girl rest in peace.