With the warmer weather finally looking like it’ll stick around for good, it’s time to break out your gardening tools. Even if growing your own food sounds too difficult, you can start small with a potted plant or two.
Want a gardening buddy? Gardening with your children is not only a great way to spend time together, but it could aid in their development.
When a child is introduced to a garden they are exposed to a variety of elements that can help them develop their locomotor skills, body management skills, and object control skills. Children can also work on their fine motor skills when they pick up a rake or use a shovel.
In addition to working on how to move about in tight corners or how to handle fragile items, children’s senses are fully engaged as they feel the dirt beneath their toes, smell the flowers, see the buzzing bees, and taste the sweet fruit they grew all by themselves.

PBS also suggests that teaching children to garden could improve their immunity. The argument is based on the hygiene hypothesis, which states that a lack of exposure to germs at a young age actually suppresses the development of a child’s immune system.
Children who garden will also tend to ask more questions about the process and may even become interested enough that they seek out more information on their own.

Finally, teaching your child to garden allows you to spend quality time together, and who would say no to spend more time with their little one?
Teaching children to garden has a number of benefits. It produces a unique learning opportunity that engages all of the senses, inspires inquisitive minds, and creates an opportunity to spend time together.
Pass this article on if you think gardening is the perfect way to engage a young child’s mind and develop important life skills.