When a child is teased or bullied, those harsh words and actions can affect them for the rest of their lives. And that’s exactly what happened to 38-year-old Sarah Sapora, who has never forgotten what it was like to be teased about her body as a 13-year-old.
What happened at a summer camp for overweight teens made Sarah never want to be seen in a bikini again. But 25 years later, she has come to a realization that made her do something that has inspired people around the world.
When Sarah Sapora was 13, she went to “fat camp,” as she calls it. One day, she decided to sunbathe in a bikini she borrowed from a camp counselor. During the 45 minutes that Sarah lay in the sun, someone took a picture. And when Sarah saw the photo, she was determined to never let anyone see her in a bikini again.

Life went on for Sarah, but she never felt comfortable in her body—until now. At the age of 38, Sarah has come to the realization that her life shouldn’t be guided by what other people think of her body. On her blog Sarahpluslife, Sarah writes openly about the thought process that made her feel comfortable with herself again and live her life to the fullest.
“We get one turn around this dance floor, folks. There comes a time in your life when you realize it’s time to play the music you like, and dance like nobody’s watching. Or like everyone is watching. Except if anyone is heckling, you don’t care what others say because you’re too busy moving and shaking and living and laughing to be noticed,” Sarah writes on her blog.
At age 38, Sarah decided to be photographed in a bikini once again. But this time, she posted the pictures on her blog and Facebook for everyone to see. And now those photos are now being hailed around the world.

Sarah writes on her blog about how much better life becomes when you accept yourself.

Now, she’s happy.

With these pictures, Sarah is encouraging others to accept and love themselves and have a better life.

No one deserves to be mocked just because their body doesn’t match retouched images in magazines and on social media. Sarah wants everyone to know that all bodies are beautiful and that we together can stand up to body shaming. Please share this article and help her spread her message.
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