Woman divorced after 44 years of marriage gets amazing makeover – knocking decades off her age

Sometimes, we just get stuck. Stuck with a problem, stuck in a situation, stuck in a marriage – or stuck with a look.

Vicki knows about the last two all too well.

After an incredible 44 years of marriage, she and her husband split, leaving her with years of baggage and a seemingly unescapable rather unkept look.

But all that would change when she decided it was time for her brand new life to begin.

An emotional Vicki visited ‘The Makeover Guy’, Christopher Hopkins, hoping he could help her through the first step in her new journey. She trusted Christopher’s great skills would give her just the physical change she needed to begin feeling fabulous again.

She begins by telling her story, breaking down into tears midway, but Christopher reassures her that crying is a positive release of energy. And I can only agree.

YouTube/MAKEOVERGUY Minneapolis

After 44 years of marriage, Vicki is of course emotional about her new life. She hadn’t dated since she was 18 and the thought of being back ‘out there’ was daunting.

But what better way to get the ball rolling than to get a stunning makeover?

YouTube/MAKEOVERGUY Minneapolis

Christopher knew he would be able to make Vicki beautiful — the big-spirited woman was certainly full of life and it was just a question of making sure her physique also reflected that.

So he got to work.

YouTube/MAKEOVERGUY Minneapolis

Watch her incredible transformation in the video below.

Divorce is no easy thing — especially after so many long years. But I am so happy for Vicki — the future is such an exciting thing if we just have a positive outlook about it. And with such a great new look, I believe Vicki will enter this new stage with happiness and hope in no time at all. Share to wish her all the luck in the world! 


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