When baby Bence entered the world in 2015, his parents were shocked.
The reason? Their beloved newborn’s hair was as white as snow.
Bence’s parents immediately assumed that their child had albinism.
But the boy’s doctor had another message for them…
Every year, millions of babies are welcomed to the world and every single one of them is unique.
They have varying skin colors, eye colors, hair colors and their own characteristics – every baby is a true blessing!
However, approximately 5 in every 100,000 people are born with Albinism. Albinism is congenital disorder that leaves a person with a complete or partial lack of pigment in their skin, hair, and eyes.
Albinism is congenital disorder that leaves a person with a complete or partial lack of pigment in their skin, hair, and eyes.
When Bence was born in Székesfehérvár, Hungary, he came out as an average baby with body weight of 5400 g and a height of 54 cm, at the expected time.
But still, his parents couldn’t believe their eyes – because Bence arrived with a full head of milky white hair.
His parents were both worried, thet believed that something was wrong and assumed that their boy was sick.
They were convinced that their son had albinism. And although having the condition isn’t dangerous, albinos are often still looked down upon for their particular appearance.
Bence’s doctors took blood samples and after a few days had an answer for his anxious parents.
The truth was that Bence was completely normal. He didn’t have albinism—he just had extremely light hair. His doctors believe his hair will become darker as he ages.
”It is rather a local and likely a temporary pigment shortage, the hair of the boy might get darker in a couple of years”, the doctors explained, according to a local newspaper.
One possible reason for Bence’s white hair is that he could have a temporary pigmentation disorder. People with this condition are born with light skin and even lighter hair, but their hair and skin color darkens over time.
Bences’s parents were able to breathe a sigh of relief—their little treasure was given a clean bill of health. Plus, he had a wonderful fluffy white and gray locks!
The pictures of Bence soon went viral and after that, he was given the nickname ”Prince Charming”. Adorable and the name Prince Charming really fits!
This baby is so special. What a beautiful head of hair. God bless.??
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