Video captures police smashing window open to save abandoned baby

It breaks my heart when I hear stories like these. 

Summer time is here and that means hotter temperatures overall. Unfortunately, this still doesn’t stop certain people from leaving kids and animals in hot cars, which seems to happen every summer, sadly.

Apparently, some folks just don’t understand how hot it gets when the AC is not on and the car is standing still. It only takes a few minutes for it to get unbearably hot inside a car – with temperatures around 90 degrees Fahrenheit depending on where you are.

Things could have turned really ugly when a mother from Indiana, USA, left her 4-month-old daughter in the car while shopping at Walmart – for two and a half hours.

Bypassers spotted the baby in the car crying and clearly melting away on what was a very hot day. It was obvious the baby had to get out of the car, so they called the cops.

Officer Hackworth arrived quickly to the scene and realised how serious the situation was. A bystander handed him a kind a crutch which he used it to smash the window open.

A Walmart employee helped to carry the baby out of the hot car. The whole incident was filmed – watch it below:

WATCH: Police smash window to rescue a four-month-old left in a hot car for over two hours at a Walmart in Evansville, Indiana:

Publicerat av Good Morning America den 20 juni 2017

They brought the baby girl into the shop to cool her down. They finally got a hold of the mother, who apparently had been shopping for 2 and a half hours without worrying whether her 4-month old was ok or not in the heat.

The mother was arrested and the baby is being cared for by social services. 

I’m glad that this little girl survived but I am also extremely shocked that something like this can happen. It seems we still need to share these stories to warn people of the dangers of leaving children and pets in cars.

Please share the article – to prevent this from happening again!

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