When you’re the one paying it forward, you might not think it’s a big deal. But to the person on the receiving end, it could mean the world. And that’s something we should bear in mind: a few kind words or a friendly gesture could make all the difference to a stranger in need.
In this story, a bus driver notices that a pregnant woman on his is having problem. Then, he decides to do something that not many people would even think of—and it ultimately ends up saving a life.
I’ve seen this story in several places, but I haven’t managed to find the source, so I can’t guarantee that it’s true. But I hope and believe that it actually happened, because people like this bus driver are role models for us all. Read on to see why:
(I am 27 weeks pregnant and starting to have contractions. I am on the bus on my way to the hospital. The driver is aware of this. I pull the buzzer to get off the bus and start walking to the door.)
Driver: *to me* “You sit back down!” *to the rest of the bus* “Is anyone going to need any of the next four stops? Because if so, I suggest you get off now, as we are detouring!”

(The driver then takes us directly to the hospital. He stops the bus, gets out of his seat, walks me down the steps, and into the hospital! The next day I am still in the hospital. I call up the transit office.)
Me: “Hi, yes. I was on bus [number] yesterday evening and the driver detoured from his route for me. I just wanted to make sure he is not in trouble. Because of him, they were able to save the life of my unborn son!”
Transit Employee: “No worries, miss. We only got one complaint from a passenger. The driver called us as soon as he got back with everyone on the bus. He has been given a commendation for his actions yesterday. Thank you for calling, and take care!”
Don’t forget to share this with your friends to help pay tribute to this bus driver for his act of kindness that day.
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