Parents trust bus driver with children, never guess he would hatch plan on day school is delayed

Black ice is dangerous. If you’ve ever tried to walk or drive on it you’ll know this.

Which is why it was of little surprise to parents when Shelby County notified parents that school would be delayed in an effort to wait for it to melt from the roads.

Unfortunately, bus driver Wayne Price didn’t get the message in time. He’d already picked up all of his students, and knew returning them to their homes would only serve to increase the chances of an accident. So, instead, he did something entirely different …

Wary of parking the vehicle up and letting the kids turn to their smartphones for two hours, he knew he had to do something to keep them occupied.

His actions might not have been exactly to the letter, but they hardly came as a surprise to officials at Montevallo Elementary School in Montevallo, Alabama.

You see, they know Wayne; they know how cheeky he can be.

Little did the children know, however, what was in store for them. When they swung into a local McDonald’s they must have questioned whether Wayne had lost his mind.

It turned out he simply wanted to treat them all to breakfast biscuits, paying for all their meals in place of the breakfast they missed by not being at school.

To put it into perspective, there were around 40 to 50 children on Wayne’s bus, so you can imagine how much it might have cost him to foot the bill. Officials from the school responded to the gesture on Facebook, saying: “Mr. Price, one of our bus drivers, truly demonstrates the spirit of Christmas! On Tuesday, when school was delayed due to icy roads and we weren’t able to serve breakfast, he purchased biscuits from McDonald’s for his entire bus of students! What a kind act that our students will forever remember!”

After hearing of his charitable act, people from all over the world have flooded Wayne with tributes and kind messages.

What a genuinely nice thing to do, and what a way to go above and beyond for the children he so obviously cares about!

If you think Wayne Price’s actions are impressive, share this article on Facebook!