Mom of two shares warning after waking up and finding her eyes turned to ‘jelly’

We all go to bed at night assuming we’ll wake up safe and sound in the morning.

For many, our beds are a safe space; a sacrosanct area where we can catch our rest without fear of being harmed or troubled.

Yet one mom, Natalie Pumfrey, has spoken in horror after waking up with puffy eyes and blurred vision that resulted in an emergency trip to the hospital.

The reason? Natalie, of Essex, England, thinks she was bitten by a ‘false widow’ spider during the night.

Mom-of-two Natalie said: “I felt it on my face and pinched and threw it across the room.

“This is about 4am. I woke up at 6am with my daughter and I got out of bed. I couldn’t see out of my eyes so I wondered if I had conjunctivitis.”

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She soon realized, however, that her condition was wore than she thought.

“My husband looked at me and said, ‘Oh my God, look in the mirror’. I had huge, glazed eyes with all the white bits looking like jelly. I said, ‘I can’t see out of them’.”

The 32-year-old was then rushed to hospital for urgent treatment, with her condition deteriorating.

Fortunately, no permanent damage was done, though Natalie herself is afraid it could happen again if she sleeps with the window open.

“A lady at the hospital said it could be a false widow spider. They’re not massive. They’re maybe the size of a £2 coin.”

She added: “I had a 10-week old baby in the room. Thankfully it didn’t bite my daughter. She was in the cot and my two-year-old was asleep in our room too.”

Thankfully indeed! This story certainly hasn’t done anything positive for my phobia of spiders!

What would you have done if you’d woken up in the same condition as Natalie? Let us know in the comments box.

Meanwhile, share this article on Facebook to help get the warning out there.


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