Mom desperately seeks transplant as 16-month-old girl lies dying – you can help her

A mom from Kentucky is in a desperate race against time as she tries to find a new heart for her 16-month-old daughter.

As per reports, mom Jennifer Shane has been told only a heart transplant can save her little girl’s life, with young Aurora “Rori” Shane having been born with a defect.

Corrective surgeries have been unsuccessful, and now Jennifer is in a desperate hunt for a new heart. Rori has been on the transplant list for more than 200 days, but time is running out …

Sadly, Rori has spent most of her life in Norton Children’s Hospital as she waits for a new heart. This year was her second Christmas living in the hospital.

Credit: GoFundMe / hopeforrori

Jennifer took to Facebook to explain Rori’s situation in a heartfelt post:

“Rori has been waiting a long time for a heart,” she wrote. “Unfortunately, because of her size she has not received many offers, blood type and weight are a key factor, a donor who weights 20-50 pounds is needed and her blood type is A+.

“Sharing this on social media is a long shot but it has worked and after living in the hospital for almost two years with Rori, I’ve heard firsthand of these stories. So I’m here bare bones about my daughter and her story to strangers which is not an easy thing but if this finds her a heart I would do it a million times over.

“If someone sees this and can help or get us in touch with someone who can help please let me know here or I can be reached at 503-412-9976. If there is a heart out there for Rori the cardiac transplant team can work with the donor and the donors family, confirm the match and Rori can truly have a real chance.

“Thank you for caring – Jen (Rori’s mom)”

Besides the medical expenses, the family are continuously incurring costs relating to keeping Rori healthy. As a result, they’ve launched a GoFundMe Page for anyone who wishes to help out. Thus far the page has raised almost $3,000 of a $5,000 goal.

You can help us and Jennifer and Rori by sharing this message.

With each share Rori’s chances of finding a suitable heart increase just a little!