Marine handed highest award for bravery after saving child from deadly river

If you own a pool, or are fortunate enough to live close to water of some sort, it goes without saying that you’ll usually take full advantage during the warmest months of the year.

In the main, it’s a sensible, safe way to keep yourself cool and fully embrace the spirit of summer. However, there’s a big difference between enjoying man-made pools or waterparks, usually supervised and monitored, and opting for natural bodies such as rivers and lakes.

Namely, the latter can present dangers, as one Arizona boy can definitely attest to. The Salt River is a common tubing spot for Arizonans, but due to its strong currents it’s claimed its fair share of lives. It almost claimed another, too, but one lucky boy had a hero on hand to intervene…

In 2016, Alex was sucked away by the Salt River current, and surely would have died were it not for the outstanding courage and quick thinking of a Marine, Lance Cpl. Tucker Watson-Veal.

It was September, 2016, when Watson-Veal spotted a father in clear distress standing on the river bank. The man told him that his son was drowning in the river, and that he couldn’t swim.

Without waiting a beat, Watson-Veal surveyed the river and planned his route.

Credit: Wikimedia Commons

As he tells it: “No way I was going to swim against that current. The Salt River is a very fast moving body of water.”

So, instead of jumping in and trying to force his way to Alex through the water, Watson-Veal ran ahead of where the boy was struggling and jumped in. He was then able to grab Alex and secure them both to the river’s edge.

“He was not in very good condition, he needed to get out of the river very quickly,” he later said.

It was impossible to climb out of that section of the river, however, so Watson-Veal was forced to cling on and wait for the Maricopa County Sheriff’s airboat to find them and help them to safety.

It transpired that the Sheriff’s Office knew perfectly well the sort of danger the Marine had put himself in, and was quick to spread word of his heroic actions.

“Due to the river’s current and cold water temperature, it is the belief both subjects could not have held on for much longer and Tucker saved Alex from possibly drowning,” they continued.

This year, in May, Watson-Veal received the Navy and Marine Corps Medal for his bravery; a fitting tribute for a solder of such noble stature.

Posted by 1st Marine Division on Friday, May 25, 2018

What a great story! Alex is certainly one lucky little boy. 

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