Burger King employee buys homeless man meal with own money – had no idea woman was watching

It’s long been a problem people have worked to fix, but homelessness remains an issue all over the world.

Even in first-world countries it’s a prevalent concern, and one that will take an awful long time to fix. Arguably the most important thing to remember is that those people who find themselves living on the streets are still human.

Of course, there are those who work for the betterment of homeless people; those who strive to get them back on their feet and a better life. In this endeavour, there can be no gesture too small. Even the simple act of giving someone a free hot meal can have significant consequences … just ask Burger King employee Matthew Resendez.

The young teen’s mom, Michelle Resendez, posted to Facebook to inform others of her “proud mom moment”, relaying the story of her son’s act of charity.

A homeless man came into the Burger King where Matthew worked one day, just 50 cents to his name. The man asked Matthew what could be purchased with such a little amount of money.

When Matthew heard the man’s words, he knew he had to do something to help. He asked what the man would order if money wasn’t an object.


The man told him, and Matthew proceeded to not only purchase his meal, but also sat down with him so he wouldn’t have to eat alone.

“The story could end there and It would be a happy ending, but apparently a women (sic) watched my son during his random act of kindness,” Michelle wrote in her post.

“Not only did she write the company to let them know about the caring employee they had working for them, she also rewarded my son with a very generous tip!”

What’s more, the woman in question actually tipped Matthew $100 for his big heart.

“So proud to be his mom and I can pat myself on the back knowing that I’ve played a part in raising this big hearted young man,” Michelle continued.


Matthew is certainly a compassionate young man who’s on the right track in terms of his priorities. We salute you, sir, and hope you continue to make people smile with your huge heart!

If you think Matthew deserves recognition for his efforts, and want to show your support in the fight against homelessness, please share this post on Facebook!


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