As children, we all had that one thing we yearned to receive for Christmas every year. That ‘thing’ could be just about anything, but what’s for sure is that we often wanted it desperately, almost as if our lives depended on it.
For small children, Christmas is certainly often about such ‘things’. Receiving such gifts could mean the world to us. That’s why I was so moved when I came across this video an aunt recently posted on social media.
The video of a young boy named Xander unwrapping a huge Christmas present is spreading like wildfire all over the world.
The reason has everything to do with the contents of the ‘package’. Unlike many other children, this boy wanted just one very special thing for Christmas — that his father come home from military service.
By now, you’ve probably guessed what lay in the package. But little Xander didn’t quite figure it out right away. When he was told he could get a slightly early Christmas gift, he had no idea what the huge box contained.
Watch Xander’s wonderful reaction when he opens the package at this link.
Isn’t this exactly what Christmas should be about? Family is more precious than any toy one could receive. Please share to spread this message and this moving video.