Audience laughs when little boy sneaks a kiss, only for performance to leave people in tears

Ice skating is something I’ve never mastered. That can probably be put down to the fact that it requires the determination to repeatedly get up after you’ve fallen again, and again, and again.

It’s a resilience I just don’t boast, and I feel like I maybe missed the boat in learning when I was a child.

After all, children have natural advantages when it comes to gliding around on two precariously thin pieces of metal. For a start, their height usually offers them a lower center of gravity, meaning they can keep their balance better. And of the course there’s the fact that children are fairly good at picking themselves up, dusting themselves off, and giving things another go …

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Of course, there’s a marked difference between being able to stay upright on ice skates and being able to actually ice skate. Only a few people can demonstrate absolute mastery when it comes to ice skating, and so for children to be able to do so is even more impressive.

Enter the two young children in this particular video. They’ve been coached by none other than 2002 Olympic silver medallist Ilya Izyaslavovich Averbukh, who turned his attentions toward training the next generation after retiring himself.

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One might expect that “Team Ilya Averbukh” should be capable of big things, but that doesn’t mean they’re not able to wow the audience with just how good they really are.

As soon as Rufus Wainwright’s cover of “Hallelujah” begins playing, the boy and girl drop instantly to the floor. Strange? You bet. The crowd’s confusion is virtually palpable.

That said, it doesn’t last long. Before much time has passed, the boy has planted a cheeky kiss on his partner, and then the duo explode into a creative whirlwind on the ice.

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Their routine is so good, in fact, that the pair made it to the finals of this particular competition. We think they’d give the pros a good run for their money.

You can see the performance in question in the video below:

Well, those two certainly have bright futures!

If you thought their talent on the ice was impressive, share this article on Facebook so your friends and family can watch it too.


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