Kristian had a crush on Fabian from the first time she saw him. He was handsome and the star of their high school’s soccer team.
But they didn’t start dating until some three years later. They made a great couple, though, and looked forward to spending their lives together.

Kristian and Fabian got married on November 14, 2015. Fabian worked and supported Kristian while she followed her dream of getting her cosmetology license.
Then just two months after Kristian started her classes, she and Fabian got some unexpected happy news: Kristian was pregnant. Although they didn’t plan it, they were both overjoyed. The baby was due on New Year’s Eve 2016.
On August 1, 2016, Kristian had an ultrasound, but she and Fabian decided to wait a week to find out the baby’s sex. They planned a gender-reveal party for family and friends a week later, writes The Adviser.
The party was set for August 8, but tragically, it never came to be.

On August 2, Fabian, Kristian, and their unborn child were driving home from Texas, where they had celebrated Fabian finally getting his permanent residence, something he struggled hard to get since emigrating from Mexico.
Kristian drove on the way home. The only thing she remembers is that a car suddenly swerved toward her and she tried to steer clear of it. Then everything went black. The driver of the other car was 21-year-old Shana Elliot. She had been drinking alcohol before she got behind the wheel.

Fabian died immediately, and Kristian was severely injured. Her baby’s heartbeat was weak when they arrived at the hospital, and after a while, it stopped beating. Kristian had an induced labor and was allowed to hold her stillborn baby boy and say goodbye to him.
August will always be a black day for Kristian. But she doesn’t want Fabian and Fabian Jr. to have died unnecessarily, so she wrote a post on her Facebook page that will hopefully make people think twice about driving drunk or letting others get behind the wheel drunk:

“This is me finally being able to hold my son. This is what being in an induced labor for almost 24 hrs after surviving a car crash that killed my husband and my son looks like. All because someone thought it was okay to get wasted and drive. It’s not okay. It IS okay to stop a friend from driving, it IS okay to take someone’s keys away from them when they’re showing signs of being drunk. And it IS okay to pick up the phone and call for a ride if you find yourself feeling a little too tipsy. It’s not a sign of weakness. It’s a sign of maturity to be honest with yourself and know the consequences of driving drunk outweigh any kind of shame you might feel admitting you’re too drunk to drive.
What’s not okay is spending the rest of your life with the guilt of knowing you’ve taken someone’s life and taken someone’s life away before they even got a chance to be in this world. It’s not worth it. Don’t drink and drive. Don’t risk your freedom. You’re putting not only your life in danger but also everyone else on the road. I could’ve died Aug 2nd, but God had other plans. I’m left behind to fight this fight for my husband and my son. And I will continue to spread awareness and share this story until the day I die in hopes it prevents anyone else from feeling the pain I walk around with every day.
I refuse to let my husband and my son’s deaths be in vain.”

Please help us share Kristian’s story so that more people understand how devastating it can be when people get behind the wheel while under the influence of alcohol or drugs!
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