Remember the days of home economics? It seems those days are long gone, and it’s extremely difficult to find an equivalent in today’s schools.
But one foundation in Australia has captured a number of people’s attention for teaching school-age girls in Sydney some very important lessons: how to maintain a car.
GalMatic is a foundation that teaches women and teenagers the importance of taking care of their vehicle, and perhaps most important of all how to actually do it.
The group has been educating Australian women since 2007, and since then they have helped over 1 million people.
Some of those who have benefitted from the classes offered by GalMatic attend Stella Maris College in New South Wales.
In 2020, Stella Maris College shared images of teens in school uniform dresses learning how to change a tire.
“Our Year 11 girls today were taught some essential DIY car maintenance skills by Galmatic; how to change a tyre and check tyre pressure, how to check oil, water and coolant levels, what to do in the event of a minor car crash and so much more.”
Many responded with praise, thanking the school and teacher for breaking the gender stereotype.
“This is fantastic! Wish I could have joined in & learnt this skill! Well done Stella for teaching our girls how to be strong & independent,” one person wrote.
And though it may have seemed like a new concept, according to the school they have always had a similar program.
“Stella has always been ahead of the game in teaching young women to be self-reliant,” they wrote in blog post.
“Some of the ex-students remember doing this in the 1970s and 80s with Sr Pam and Mr Regan. One former student remarked, ‘Mr Regan taught my year these car maintenance practices. Still use them today…and can change a tyre like a champion!'”
This is such a great idea! I truly believe that our young women need to be taught these important skills. Does anyone know of any similar programs in the United States?
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