Each day, thousands of police officers leave their homes and families behind and go to work. They don’t have any idea what they may encounter that day. Perhaps it will be an ordinary “boring” day on the job … or it could be a day when a person’s very life is threatened.
Of course, even when an officer is off-duty, he is still on-duty, 24-7 – something that this story testifies to.
In 2018, mother Tracy Parham experienced a parent’s worst nightmare when she couldn’t remove a piece of candy lodged in her 1-year-old son’s throat.

There was no time to call 911 and Tracy panicked – but out of sheer instinct, she rushed to her neighbor, officer J.D. Strickland. She banged on his door for help and, fortunately, he was at home.
According to Fox 8, he used his military and police training to get the candy out of the boy’s throat so that he could breathe again.
Tracey wrote a nice text about the event on Facebook that I would like to share with you:
“When you see things on social media. You can’t imagine what you would do in those type of situations. And with all of the nonsense going on between civilians and officers. I’m sad And glad to share this with y’all.
Last night my son was choking on a piece of candy and I couldn’t get it out. I was about to dial 911 when God said fool get up and run. Next door I went flying with my son on my arms screaming and crying fell on my neighbor porch banging screaming and crying.
Well from a picture I posted y’all know my next door neighbor is a policeman. To God be the glory for that. He grabs him flips him over and did whatever he was he doing and out pops the candy. And Karter is no longer choking but now he has to make sure I’m ok because I can’t stop crying.
So can y’all please show him some Love and Thanks to officer Stricland for saving my son life. You Rock. Please Share Share Share “

Of course there are some rotten eggs in every walk of life, including the police, but I am grateful that the large majority are wonderful human beings.
Thank you, Officer Strickland, for helping out your neighbor and saving her baby. Thank you for all that you do serving the public. Keeping you all in my prayers.