Randy Travis’ voice is one of the few that truly gives me the chills.
¨Sadly, he suffered from a stroke 3 years ago but that didn’t stop him from giving a beautiful rendition of ”Amazing Grace” in honor of fellow country music star, George Jones.

Performing at the Grand Ole Opry, the legendary performer was backlit by blue and purple lighting as paid respects to the recently lost George Jones.
Travis was joined by peers like Alan Jackson, Vince Gill, and Travis Tritt.
Mary, Travis’s wife, has publicly discussed her husband’s difficult stroke and how helpful devoted fans have been during this time.
One fateful day, in July 2013, Randy Travis suffered a stroke and ended up in a coma. The doctors said that his chances of survival were low, and that, as a result, there was little point in continuing their efforts to sustain his life.

His wife, Mary Davis Travis, had the option to simply shut down the life-support and let her husband fall asleep. The doctors put the question directly to her. What did she want to do?
However, she chose to break all the normal rules. Instead of following the norm and listening to doctors, she elected to do something completely different.
The experts might have given him just a 1 to 2% chance at surviving, but Mary knew her husband was a fighter. For her, turning off the respirators was simply not an option.
“I prayed hard, ‘God, please let me have him back, any way, shape or form,’” May recalls saying, as per USA Today.

Randy remained in a coma, entangled in a bed of wires, but Mary never once considered switching his machines off.
Then, one day, the miracle presented itself. Randy woke up.
“We’re blessed. We’re happy to be where we are. We don’t know what God has in store for us at the end of this recovery. Right now, we’re just thankful to be where we are, and we’re singing a different song,” she said. “We’re happy to serve a purpose wherever there is a purpose for us to serve. Of course, one day he would love to be back up on that stage. Right now, we’re just enjoying life, and are very blessed to be where we are.”
If the below performance is any indication, Travis has clearly been working and praying to get back to the level of talent he was at before.
Watch Travis’s performance and let us know what you think about his road to recovery!
The fact he did this after his stroke. Is unbelievable. Mr. Travis, you are one talented man! This still sends chills down my spine. You can see and hear the emotion, and I pray for his healing.