Elephants are the most majestic creatures but in countries where there are a high population they are not being treated with the respect they deserve.
Zimbabwe, Namibia, Botswana and South Africa are home to half the world’s African elephant population, yet they are hunted and traded as if their presence is a nuisance.
Now new rules have been backed at the world’s largest wildlife trade conference to stop the trading of these endangered animals and the news is being welcomed around the world.
A proposal put forward by the Convention on International Trade to restrict the sale of wild elephants into captivity was supported by 46 member countries.
Iris Ho, senior policy specialist at the Humane Society International described the move as a “huge step forward,” as reported by Bloomberg News.

“It’s really historic that the majority of the parties present recognized that African elephants should not be captured in the wild, sent to zoos and be kept in captivity for the rest of their lives,” Ho added.
Snatched from their mothers
Zimbabwe is shipping baby elephants to China and just a few months ago its tourism minister said “we are open to everyone who wants our wildlife,” Bloomberg News reported.
The proposal, if passed, would only allow wild elephants to be transported in cases of temporary, emergency transfers.
Baby elephants are being snatched from their mothers and often abused as they are transported to the highest bidder.

These social and emotional animals are then often held alone in dark, cramped conditions instead of being able to roam the vast African wilderness with their families.
They suffer emotionally and physically when subjected to this cruel existence.
There are already a number of countries that have banned wild animals in circuses. Among these are Mexico, Greece, Croatia and the Netherlands.
On January 1, 2020, the UK will join this group.
What wonderful news!
Elephants and other wildlife should not live on circuses or zoos. SHARE if you agree!