Old Lady, a St. Bernard, had a rough life. Her living conditions were far from ideal, but one day it looked as though she was going to be able to live out her final days in a loving home.
But shortly after Ruff Start Rescue in Minnesota took her in, the 10-year-old dog took off.
“We knew right away we had to act fast because we knew she didn’t know where her home was, where to go back to and there was cold weather coming,” Azure Davis of Ruff Start told WCCO.
It took 17 days before anyone found Old Lady.
The rescue did everything in their power to find the dog they described as skittish. They were especially concerned because the St. Bernard had been shaved prior to her arrival at the rescue and temperatures were starting to dip into the negatives.
After a week went by, Davis admitted everyone began to wonder how the older dog could possibly survive.
But then on day 17 of the search, a man and his grandson discovered Old Lady in some trees. Her leash was tangled and she wasn’t able to sit down, but somehow she survived.

“Her drive, her fight-or-flight response kicked in and she was able to stay alive through those frigid temps,” Davis told FOX 9.
Once she was back at the rescue, the malnourished and frostbitten dog spent time recovering before she went to her forever home. The woman who took her in has experience with dogs like Old Lady, now known as Tesha, and has given her the loving home she’s always deserved.

Davis said Old Lady’s story of survival is a reminder for all of us to stay vigilant and never give up hope.
“Keep looking, keep spreading awareness because she was missing for over a week with no sightings,” said Davis. “How does a St. Bernard not get seen for a week? So whether they’re stuck, or they’re hiding just don’t give up hope.”

That’s right. You should never give up. It seems impossible that no one spotted a missing St. Bernard for 17 days, but it happened.
I’m so glad Old Lady was found and that she was able to find a forever home so quickly too!
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