Playful baby elephant can’t get enough of ‘cuddling’ with tourists

With all due respect to all animals… baby elephants capture my heart more than any other. There’s just something about their wonderfully chubby round bodies, big ears and puppy-like eyes that can make any heart melt.

So what better way to cheer someone up than a video of an especially boisterous baby elephant that simply loves to cuddle?

Baby elephants, known as calfs, weigh about 250 pounds when they’re born and are already about three feet tall. They can’t see well when they’re born but know their moms well through scent, touch and sound.

Baby elephant Suki sure has plenty of affection on offer. Or playfulness perhaps. It’s hard to tell. What’s clear is that Suki has one huge spirit!

The adorable elephant was caught on camera frolicking around with travellers at an elephant camp in Chiang Mai, Thailand.

You can watch Suki’s amazing energy and playfulness in the video below — prepare for a laugh or two. What a sweet ‘little’ thing!

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Now there’s a little one with huge character! Share this video with all your family and friends if it brought a big smile to your face too!