Terrible as it so obviously is, every day dogs are found abandoned by owners who no longer want them or no longer deem themselves capable of caring for them.
Even so, once in a while we’ll catch wind of a story that makes people sit up and take notice. Often this is due to exceptional circumstances surrounding the abandonment, or perhaps the way in which an abandoned pup was able to secure a second chance in life.
This particular story has a pinch of both of those things. It concerns a Pit Bull mix that was found alone in Maryland, and later passed to the Caroline County Human Society.
What makes it special, you ask? Well, it turned out its home – where it had been microchipped – was half the country away, in Wichita, Kansas …
Far from home
When Zimba was picked up in Maryland, rescuers knew something was wrong. The dog was all alone, and no one in the area had reported a missing pup.
He eventually found his way to the Caroline County Human Society, and they could discern that he had a microchip revealing where he was actually from.
Surprisingly, it turned out he had been chipped in Kansas, and so the society tracked down his mom. It was then that they learned the tale of how he had come to be found in Maryland, some 1,264 miles away.
#ZACHZIMBAThey are in Ohio! Zach and Zimba's Amazing Adventure from Ridgely, Maryland to Wichita, Kansas continues!
Posted by Caroline County Humane Society on Tuesday, December 5, 2017
It transpired that Zimba had been taken on a road trip with his mom’s boyfriend. However, while on the journey his mom and her boyfriend broke-up, having a knock-on effect that would ultimately leave Zimba an innocent victim.
As per CBS Local Baltimore, the boyfriend, angry and upset, abandoned Zimba in Maryland and refused to answer calls from his ex-girlfriend.
Zimba’s mom was understandably relieved to hear her baby was safe and sound, but didn’t have the first clue as to how she would travel the 1,000 plus miles to pick him up.
That’s when Zach Holt stepped in. Holt used to work at the shelter where Zimba was located and offered to drive the pup home. He had an entire week free and so figured “why not?”
Zimba … safe and content. We would like to once again thank all of you who have followed, supported, donated and…
Posted by Caroline County Humane Society on Thursday, December 7, 2017
What’s more, Zach didn’t ask for any compensation for his efforts, though the Humane Society raised money to cover the tolls and gas he had to pay along the way.
See more on Zimba’s story in the video below:
[arve url=”https://w3.cdn.anvato.net/player/prod/v3/anvload.html?key=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″ /]
It’s never nice to hear about a pet being abandoned and left all alone and confused, let alone over 1,000 miles away from everything it knows and loves.
A huge thanks to the Caroline County Humane Society for tracking Zimba’s mom down, and an ever bigger thanks to Zach for agreeing to drive the distance to reunite the pair!
Share this story if you think there should be harsher penalties for those who commit crimes against animals.