His baby daughter crawls for the first time – now watch their labrador’s reaction

I don’t have children but certainly hope to one day. And videos like this remind me why.

This video was just too cute for words. Crawling is an important milestone in a baby’s life, and I personally find it one of the cutest for sure. I mean what’s cuter than a tiny baby curiously discovering his or her own motor skills? That kind of consciousness is just too endearing.

In this clip, we witness just that. An adorable baby girl learns to crawl for the first time. But this typical baby behavior is magnified in cuteness thanks to the family’s equally adorable, gentle Labrador.

What you get is double the cuteness and double the fun! Take a look at the chemistry between these two (and what the sweet pup does at the end) and I challenge you not to feel all fuzzy and warm inside!

Over 18 million people have seen this clip, and I think you’ll understand why after you watch it. This is too good not to share, so make sure you do!

Share this adorable clip so all your friends can also enjoy this precious moment!

Newsner loves animals and believes in treating them with utmost respect. Please like if you do, too!


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