Mom Films Baby Daughter Riverdancing. The Result Is Absolutely Adorable.

Irish Dance Riverdancing is no easy dance to perform. That is, unless you’re just ‘born with it’. Before this little girl has even learned to walk, she’s got some definite rhythm in their blood. As soon as the music starts, she starts kicking wildly and it’s hard not to feel absolute joy just watching her. Her mother noticed how her daughter always began to kick her legs when she heard the music, but no one really believed her when she told all her friends. So she decided to film it all – and I’m so glad she did. She adds the music to the video afterward for better sound as the real music in the room was a bit too low for the camera to capture. Isn’t it just adorable! The “Riverdancing Baby” has now had over 720,000 views on YouTube. Now that’s what I call being born into fame!

Agree that this was just so adorable? Please share this video with all your friends if this little cutie just made your day!


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