Photos of doctors and nurses praying in hospitals over coronavirus go viral

My grandmother used to say that when there is nothing left, there is God. Man’s faith and trust in science is essential, don’t get me wrong, but sometimes we need something more.

Sometimes we have to accept that there is more to being human than what we can physically see and touch. Put plainly, sometimes we need God. It doesn’t matter whether you’re a believer of strict faith or not, we all believe in something …

During this coronavirus pandemic, many doctors are aware that their own power to heal is limited. In this regard, they’ve not hesitated to pray to God to help them and protect his flock.

The images in this article are ones that are quickly making their way around the world. They show American doctors, nurses and health professionals going up to their terraces and hospital rooftops to share a moment with the Lord.

On March 30, nurse Angela Gleaves shared some of the most poignant photos on Facebook, along with the caption:

When you have a few extra minutes at work you take the time to go to the Helipad and pray. We prayed over the staff in our unit as well as all of the hospital employees. We also prayed over the patients and their families during this trying time. We also prayed for all of our colleagues around the world taking care of patients. It felt good to do this with some of my amazing co-workers. We could feel God’s presence in the wind. Know that you are all covered in prayer ♥️?

The photos were taken at the Vanderbilt Health hospital in Tennessee where Angela works, as per Find Out Something.

And Angela’s is not an isolated case, either. Other healthcare workers have shared photos of themselves praying, such as this Twitter photo of Danny Rodriguez, who works at the Jackson South Medical Center in Miami. He wrote:

“This is how we started our morning today. Our team said a prayer, asking God for guidance and protection while we are at work, and to keep us and our families safe.”

The work these professionals are doing is nothing short of incredible. They look after out health, and not just the physical. They’re the ones standing by patients’ sides when their families cannot be with them due to isolation rules.

If your prayers lend your strength and reinforce your unity, join us and pray. Together, we can all pray to the Lord that he might heal our sick.

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