Horse bids farewell to his master at his funeral

There is a special bond between every horse and its rider – a bond built on trust, respect and appreciation for one other.

When rider Wagner Figueiredo died in a traffic accident. his family wanted to make sure his horse, Cowboy, attended his funeral.

At the funeral, guests watched in awe as Cowboy walked up to Wagner’s coffin, put his muzzle against it and mourn his lost friend.

Wagner Figueiredo de Lima was only 34-years-old when he died in a traffic accident in Paraiba, Brazil.

He loved to ride and his friends describe his horse Cowboy as his best friend, writes website Globo.  

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Wagner’s family brought Cowboy along with them when came the time for Wagner’s funeral. Guests were amazed as they watched the horse walked right up to his beloved friend’s coffin, put his muzzle against it – exactly as if mourning his lost friend.

Source: Facebook

Guests described Cowboy as being clearly upset during the funeral. He stamped and whinnied, as if perfectly aware that his master had passed away.

Source: Facebook

“The horse meant everything to my brother. It felt like Cowboy realized what had happened and wanted to say goodbye at the funeral,” Wagner’s brother Wando told Globo.

Source: Facebook

What a heartbreaking tale! It shows us once again how clever and aware animals are. Share if you agree that Cowboy was paying his final respects to his master!

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