Woman working in nursing home snaps photo of resident’s hand, only for it to go viral

It’s standard human nature to be concerned with body image issues, especially when things happen to our body that we can’t control.

We get insecure when we think others might perceive us in a negative way, and as a species we spend a lot of our time worrying over how we look.

Fortunately, there exist people like Brandalyn Mae Porter in the world. Brandalyn works with elderly people in a Texas nursing home, and she’s making a huge difference to the happiness of the residents there with her positive way of looking at their biggest insecurities …

Facebook / Brandalyn Mae Porter

It was while painting a new resident’s nails that Brandalyn had an idea based on a concern the woman had. She was presented with the chance to put a positive spin on something negative, and so she took it in the best way …

Sharing her story on the Love What Matters Facebook page, Brandalyn said:

“Today I painted a new residents nails at work and as we were going over colors, she mentioned she wanted clear.

The only thought that came to my mind was ‘CLEAR?! That’s no fun.’

I asked her why she wanted clear and she said, ‘My hands are ugly, I don’t want to draw attention to them.'”

“I then carefully responded with, ‘Your hands tell the story of your life. They tell the story of love, of care and adventure. These hands have touched and held things that most people can only wish to one day.’

Facebook / Brandalyn Mae Porter

And with that, she went with the color pink for her nails.

Sometimes what we are so insecure with, others find beauty in.”

“I then carefully responded with, ‘Your hands tell the story of your life. They tell the story of love, of care and adventure. These hands have touched and held things that most people can only wish to one day.’

And with that, she went with the color pink for her nails.

Sometimes what we are so insecure with, others find beauty in.”

Through her wise words, Brandalyn was able to restore the confidence of a woman who had no real reason to feel insecure about her hands. If more people saw the world the way Brandalyn does, it would likely be a nicer place to live.

Brandalyn, we think what you’re doing is wonderful! Keep up the good work.

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