Being able to keep an eye on your dog at all times – what a dream that is for both dog – and man. The special bond between man and dog has long been documented, and the loyal animals have truly deserved their title of “man’s best friend.” The Kurgo pet store in the United States knows all about that very special bond. In fact, the vast majority of the company’s employees own their own dogs. But that’s not all. Their office space is amazingly designed to accommodate the employee’s loving pets – every day of the week. Take a look below at their brilliant work environment. I’d say this takes the expression “dog-friendly” to a whole new level.
Employees at Kurgo all have their own small office space, with artificial grass. Their space includes a handy gate that they can use if they’re looking for some peace and quiet.

The meeting rooms have perfectly sized chairs to be able to sit and pet one’s dog, all day long – not to mention a large, open floor plan that allows the dogs to roam freely.

Dogs toys are everywhere – perfect for testing out new products, too.

Slide for dogs? Check!

The refrigerator and pantry are always stuffed with dog treats.

90 percent of Kurgo’s employees own their own dogs. They are welcome to bring them in to work whenever they want.

At lunchtime, staff take their pets for a walk.

Obviously, there’s one thing this company has understood – people are happier with their beloved dogs around.

The only question is: how easy is it to focus with all these adorable sweethearts around?

Newsner loves animals and believes in treating them with utmost respect. Please like if you do, too.