This loving relationship may be among the cutest thing I’ve seen in a long time. I never imagined that hedgehogs and cats could be so compatible! Definitely the cutest little ‘family’ I’ve seen in a long time!
The story could have ended in tragedy for these four baby hedhogs, abandoned by their mother. But thankfully Sonya the cat took pity on the strange little creatures.

And they certainly aren’t complaining! The little hedgehogs clearly enjoy the time spent in Sonya’s warm embrace.

And they are even joined by Sonya own kitten.

Sonya seems to be an unusually open cat. She does not seem to be bothered in the least that the little hedgehogs are not of her ‘breed’, and adopts them as her own. How incredible is nature!

And what a loving cat she is!

Make sure you take a look at how Sonya feeds the little hedgehogs in this short video.
Source: Katrai
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