11 everyday objects with a fascinating story behind
Many everyday objects in our home are so unexciting and common that we don’t even notice them. But if you take a moment to look more closely at some of the things around you, a ...
Many everyday objects in our home are so unexciting and common that we don’t even notice them. But if you take a moment to look more closely at some of the things around you, a ...
Christmas is coming up fast, and the holiday shopping season is well underway. While some people brave the lines at the mall, more and more people today are doing their shopping online and have dozens ...
Every so often the internet throws up something that divides people down the middle. Sometimes it can be a batch of controversial news, sometimes a mind-boggling riddle people can’t answer. And, sometimes, it can be ...
In September 2018, a video of a student at East Carolina University was posted online, showing one bright honors student devour a Bud Light through his nostril. It is, like so many things, both beautiful ...
She wrote, “Hey everyone, I had to post this. Everyone knows my pool is green by this time of the year. However, Whitney spotted this idea on Facebook and I figured why not try it, ...
As is common with so many, the man’s hair was beginning to thin. Thinning hair can be the cause of discomfort and loss of confidence for many. So as his wedding day approached, he decided ...
Butter is a staple ingredient in both cooking and baking. But when a recipe calls for softened butter and you didn’t have time to plan ahead, what do you do? People have long come across ...
The panic that occurs when the toilet becomes clogged is no fun. A common mistake many make is to keep flushing, but this seldom helps and instead causes the water to rise even higher. Calling ...
The dreaded telemarketing call. It matters little what the sales person on the other line is trying to get us to buy, these can be quite annoying, especially if they catch us when we’re in ...
We often talk about different personality types in our society. For example, when applying for a new job, employers are increasingly asking candidates to to answer a long list of ‘personality’ questions to see if ...