7 easy tricks that can eliminate back pain for good
1. Relax your spine Sitting all day can put a lot of stress on your spine, which can cause of lot of pain. In order to help reduce the pain you can relax your spine ...
1. Relax your spine Sitting all day can put a lot of stress on your spine, which can cause of lot of pain. In order to help reduce the pain you can relax your spine ...
1. Knee-to-chest lift How to do it: Sit with you back straight and not touching the back of your chair. Keep your feet on the ground and as wide apart as your hips. As you ...
Statistics show that the average American has only four hours a day of free time. And according to Health and Healthy Living, many people use this time to watch television, scroll through Facebook, or engage ...
This little guy, who’s still in diapers, stands in front of a big TV and copies every move Rocky makes. And your heart can’t help but melt when you see it! When the baby throws ...
The exercise is called a plank because you need to be as straight as a board during the entire exercise. For a while now, the plank challenge has circulated in different variations and these sets have already been tested by many people. And I ...
The Bonds didn’t place all of the burden on their daughter though. Heidi designed a health and diet plan for the whole family to follow. And Breanna’s results are a testament to her mother’s plan. After walking ...