Woman’s alleged killer found because of picture she took minutes before being murdered

A strange murder in the city of Glendale in Arizona baffled police but they were able to find the murderer because of the victim’s quick thinking before her own tragic death.

Pamela Rae Martinez was 60 years old and working as a food delivery driver. She was just completing a food delivery in Glendale, Arizona on the evening of June, 11th, 2022 when her alleged murder occurred.

Police got a call about a crash on 61st Avenue and Bell Road in Glendale, Arizona, with an injured person in a vehicle.

When police arrived at the scene, they discovered a car had been involved in a low-impact crash. Martinez was found unresponsive and pronounced dead. It was then discovered that she had died because of being shot, not as a result of the crash.

Witnesses at the scene, later reported to police that they saw a man park his van beside Martinez’s car. They saw him standing next to her vehicle, and then getting back into his own van and driving off. After which, Martinez’s car slowly began to veer off the road.

After police began investigating the murder, they found out that she had just completed her last food delivery. They also found a picture she had taken minutes before her death.

This picture was the key component that helped them crack this investigation!

The police identified the man in the vehicle as 62-year-old Rusty French. Police then had a search warrant issued for French’s home. When police confronted him about the murder by showing him the picture Martinez had taken of him moments before her death, he confessed that it was indeed him in the picture.

However, he claimed that he had no recollection of shooting Martinez and that he must have blacked out.

Handguns were also found on French’s premises and one of the guns was a ballistics match for the gun used to kill Martinez.

Other evidence was also reportedly found and French was arrested and is now facing charges for second-degree murder.

It was found that French did not know Martinez prior to the murder and that she had not delivered food to him prior to her murder either.

We pray for the departed and also hope the family of Pamela Rae Martinez finds peace after her senseless murder.

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