This Fourth Grader Is Bringing Color Into The Lives Of Students Everywhere.

“When I found out that not all kids have their own box of crayons, I got very upset, and I wanted to do something to change that,” says Bethany Kuster on her website. And ever since, she’s been collecting all the colored pencils, crayons, and markers she can to share with her less fortunate peers.

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She started by asking her classmate to donate some of their art supplies to her collection. “I was thinking we could package it up and send it to other kids,” the fourth-grader said to WFMZ News.

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And she has! Since November, her charity, Color for Kids, has received more than 30,000 items and has sent them to children in need across the US and as far away as Nepal.

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It’s a large undertaking, so Bethany has enlisted her brothers to organize the donations and pack them up.

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On May 9th, Color for Kids is sending art supplies to 150 kids in New York City, and in two weeks, the non-profit is sending a big package to 200 kids in Philadelphia.

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The smiles on all of the children’s faces says it all. Their lives are more colorful and their futures are just a little bit brighter now. I was really blown away by this young girl’s altruism and compassion. Way to go, Bethany!

To learn more about Bethany and Color for Kids, check out this video:

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Do you also believe that kids deserve to have art and color in their lives? Donate to Color for Kids and share this article to make the future brighter for as many kids as possible!

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