Man is fed up with the bullies across the street – so he paints the house the colors of the rainbow

Aaron Jackson’s organization, Planting Peace, bought the house in Topeka, Kansas for $81,000. The idea was to run anti-bullying campaigns out of the house that came to be known as the “Equality House.”

Once Planting Peace bought the house, Aaron decided to paint the house the colors of the rainbow pride flag as a nod to the hateful church across the street.

But it was difficult to find a painter for the controversial work until a military veteran and a willing contractor signed on for the job.

Now, the house is like a thorn in the church’s side, but Aaron Jackson says he didn’t paint the house in order to offend anyone. He painted it the colors of the rainbow to show that love conquers hate.

Even today, the colors of pride can be seen from the Westboro Baptist Church’s windows.

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