Breaking: Luke Perry’s daughter breaks silence after father’s untimely death

It was through Instagram that Sophie opted to share her thoughts, wanting to thank all those who have offered condolences in the wake of Luke’s passing.

“A lot has happened in this past week for me,” her post reads.

“Everything is happening so fast. I made it back from Malawi just in time to be here with my family, And in the past 24 hours I have received an overwhelming amount of love and support.

“I cannot individually respond to the hundreds of beautiful and heartfelt messages, but I see them, and appreciate you all for sending positivity to my family and I. I’m not really sure what to say or do in this situation, it’s something you aren’t ever given a lesson on how to handle, especially when it’s all happening in the public eye. So [bear] with me and know that I am grateful for all the love. Just, being grateful quietly.”

Perry made his name as a popular figure both on TV and film. His role in Beverly Hills, 90210 launched him into the spotlight, whilst his career was punctuated by a series of successful roles that endeared him both to those he worked with and those fortunate enough to watch him.

From 2017 until 2019, Perry featured in popular TV series Riverdale, where he starred as ‘Fred Andrews’.

According to reports, the actor was surrounded by loved ones when he passed.

Always remember that life is a fickle mistress. Tomorrow is promised to no one, and what we take for granted today could all too easily be taken away from us tomorrow. Tell those closest that you love them, try new things, and do your best to live your life in the here and now, regretting nothing.

Please share this article to honor Luke Perry’s memory, and indeed the memories of all those who have died before their time.

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