Community bands together to rescue abandoned horse on the streets of Philadelphia

The nation is reeling from tragic news being broadcast on every news channel. But amid all the horror and grief, there are also heartwarming stories that restore your faith in humanity.

This week in Philadelphia, strangers banded together to help a defenseless abandoned animal.

Usually, rescuers get calls about abandoned pets like cats and dogs but this week, they received a very strange call reporting an abandoned horse!

A lot of people witnessed a horse wandering around Darien Street in Hunting Park on his own. People grew concerned as no one seemed to be keeping an eye on him and he seemed to be on his own. Some witnesses reported that they saw a man bring him to the park and assume that he just left the horse there.

Concerned citizens immediately alerted Philadelphia’s Animal Care & Control Team (ACCT), who were mobilized and responded to the scene. The ACCT took the horse into their custody to provide him with medical attention and care.

The agency reported after an initial assessment that the horse was underweight and neglected. They said they would be providing extra care for him to help the horse heal and become healthy once again.

The ACCT who rescued the horse said that Philadelphia does not make it illegal for residents to own a horse. But horse owners should provide better care and facilities to their equine friends.

Residents who saw the horse believe he was abandoned by the man who brought him because the horse did not have horseshoes hence his hooves would not be protected from the street. They believe this is why he abandoned his horse.

He looked undernourished even to bystanders with no experience in equine care. The ACCT made sure the horse had enough food and water for him to recover. And provided him with adequate shade and shelter.

The ACCT lovingly named the horse Darien after the street he was found on. They wrote in a statement on their Facebook page that Darien would not be up for adoption as the horse needed medical attention and rehabilitation. They plan on transferring Darien somewhere else because they do not believe Philadelphia is a good place for a horse to live in.

Local residents of Philadelphia took it upon themselves to ensure this horse would not only be saved but well cared for. What an inspiring and sweet story of compassion.

Make sure to share this story with your friends and family so that you can make their day!

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