Mom grieves loss of baby alone, urges: ‘Please, just stay home’

A lot can happen during a pregnancy, and for those who have struggled with having children it can be even more stressful. Being able to get pregnant is a gift you shouldn’t take for granted, because things can go wrong, despite you having done everything right.

But what a parent cannot control is the behaviour of the people around them. This mother’s story has been widely spread on the internet as it encourages people to think twice when a pandemic is spreading.

Sarah Gliem was 36 weeks pregnant when her baby’s heart suddenly stopped beating in her her belly. The devastating news hit Sarah and her husband Jared hard, but they refused to give up on their dream of creating a family.

Many attempts and many pregnancy tests later, Sarah would finally receive a positive message again. When Sarah realized she was pregnant once more, her happiness was overwhelming.

But soon she once again started to worry about having another miscarriage.

Because the corona pandemic was spreading like wildfire, Sarah took no risks whatsoever during her pregnancy. She worked from home, ate healthy, and only met people who said they were symptom-free.

Despite that, something terrible happened.

”On Thursday, March 19, it was all good, until it wasn’t. Again”, Sarah writes on Café Mom.

Sarah had only gotten into her seventh week of pregnancy when she started to suffer massive bleeding from her abdomen. But when she went to the hospital for checks, the doctors said there was no danger. Everything was fine, until it was no longer, as Sarah put it.

Unfortunately, the bleeding continued, and Sarah once again found herself in the hospital room for check up. She felt completely alone in the world.

This time, her husband Jared had to sit outside the hall because of the coronavirus.

”He watched me through the glass door and was texting me. He told me I don’t have to be the superhero in every situation and that it was okay to not be strong enough for this. I snapped his picture when he wasn’t looking because he one of the reasons why I can be Chloe’s superhero. I wanted to always remember that in times of trouble that no matter what we had each other’s back even if we weren’t together and let’s just be honest. He looked silly sitting in the floor during the coronavirus outbreak. That picture was never meant to change the world, it was meant as a reminder for us,” Sarah said.

But as Sarah laid on the examination table with Jared on speaker phone, she got the news that no parent ever wants to hear … for a second time. 

The doctor explained that there was no longer a heartbeat.

Sarah, of course, was absolutely devastated by the terrible news. But she couldn’t help thinking about her husband in this dark moment.

”Imagine sitting in hallway crying because you found out your dream of becoming a parent to a breathing, warm, growing child was gone again,” she wrote.

After this experience, Sarah wants to share an important message about the coronavirus that she wants everyone to spread.

This is her own words:

“Today, my husband had to sit in the hallway, and listen through speaker phone. to hear that our baby went to be with Jesus and their big sister. To say we are devastated doesn’t even begin to describe it.

This was us. We didn’t get to grieve together, we couldn’t even hug and tell each other it would be okay or that we would survive this. Instead, I was comforted by our doctor, got dressed, and finally able to see my husband. I understand the precautions, but it doesn’t make it any easier.

I beg you, please, just stay home. The next time you want to go out because you think it’s not that serious, just remember that a father couldn’t look at his baby one last time and a mother had to get the worst news about their baby…. alone.

This is us. It’s heartbreaking. And while I’m not sure how we will survive another loss, I do know that through God’s grace we will find a way.

Friends, we have had multiple conversations with people who wonder if we still have needs or work during this time. Miscarriage, stillbirth, infant death…. These experiences do not cease during a crisis. Our country may be in a time of quarantine, but families are still enduring the death of their baby daily. Our support is even MORE vital in THIS time than it was a few weeks ago.

Infant loss is isolating. We are ALL isolated. Our support whether in person, via Zoom, Facetime, or messenger/email has never been more important. Although I would much rather have hugged this momma and this dad, I pray that seeing our faces via facetime provided a little comfort and love on this day. 

Please pray for the families we love, the families we support, and the families that are enduring loss without pieces of their family and friends to surround them. Our hearts are with EACH and EVERY one of you. All of our love, your Sweet Grace Family

My deepest sympathy. There are no words to be uttered to help.

I’m so very sorry for your loss. So sorry, too, that you and your husband had to suffer this devastating grief alone, unable to comfort each other at the very moment you most needed to be together. Please stay home people. Please. ??

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