Heartbreaking Photo Shows A Dying Husband Saying Goodbye To His Unconscious Wife.

Jim and Cindy Mininni met more than 24 years ago when they fell hard and fast for each other. And from then on, they were inseparable.

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After a while, Cindy became pregnant and she was nervous about what she’d say to her boyfriend. But when she told Jim the news, he took it much better than she could have imagined.

Jim cried tears of joy, and when Chris was born, Jim’s dream of being a husband and father came true.

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Jim was filled with pride watching Chris grow up. But life can turn upside down in an instant. That moment came for the Mininni family when Jim was diagnosed with lung cancer. He underwent several treatments and fought valiantly, but ultimately couldn’t beat the cancer.

Chris and his mother, Cindy, were there every step of the way and supported Jim. When Chris realized that his father was dying, he knew he could always turn to his mother to find solace.

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But just when things seemed like they couldn’t get worse, they did. Jim was moved to a hospital in another city to live out his few remaining days and Cindy suffered a heart attack.

Jim didn’t have much time left, and it seemed as if the woman who had always stood by his side wouldn’t get a chance to say goodbye.

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Jim’s health deteriorated quickly and it became clear to Chris and the doctors that Jim’s time had come. He couldn’t talk anymore and he had tubes in his mouth to help him breathe. But Jim managed to write a word on a piece of paper that sent the staff running: “Mom.”

They had previously tried to move Cindy to Jim’s hospital, but without success. But now, the staff employed all the resources they had available to reunite the couple.

Time was short, and it was all but certain that the hour was about to pass them by.

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But in the end, they succeeded. Cindy, who was unconscious and struggling through her heart attack treatment, was able to be moved to Jim’s hospital… And Jim got to hold the hand of the woman he loved in his last moments.

Cindy was unconscious, but still, Jim was able to say goodbye to his sleeping angel, the mother of his children, and his great love.

He held her in his arms as he took his last breath.

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When Cindy woke from her coma, she was devastated to find out that her husband had died. But she was also grateful. Chris showed her pictures of the moment, which were a great comfort during her own recovery.

Without the big hearts of the hospital staff, this beautiful moment never would have happened. Please share this story to pay tribute to the those who made sure that love that Cindy could be there for Jim in the end.
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