When couple’s sixth child is born, dad looks down: What he sees makes him scream out

When the big day finally arrived, the family decided to capture the proceedings on film so that they could remember it in years to come.

Within minutes of the delivery, there was no second guessing what they were having … the whole delivery room could tell immediately due to Kennedy’s reaction.

Wild celebrations

A little boy was welcomed into the world – and when the jubilant father realised he was now a parent to both daughters and a son, he responded in a way nobody could have ever expected.

He bounced up and down, kissed his wife and shouted loud enough for the entire hospital to hear him – eventually he was asked to sit down by doctors who were worried he was making too much noise.

Just watch the wonderful, heartwarming reaction here:


As a parent, you never forget the moment your child comes into the world – and this is a birth no one else present is likely to forget either!

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