Coronavirus nurse ‘killed’ doctor girlfriend because he thought she had ‘given him coronavirus’

The coronavirus pandemic has without doubt shown us some of the very best of humanity as folk pull together and try to help one another through these dark times.

Unfortunately, the very worst that human beings are capable of has been on show as well. Perhaps nowhere is that better evidenced than in this story, concerning a nurse who allegedly strangled his doctor wife to death because he had grown convinced she had given him coronavirus.

As per reports, Antonio De Pace, 28, called the police to confess to the murder of his girlfriend, Lorena Quartana. The couple had both worked at a hospital in Messina, Sicily, and were on the frontlines of the fight against COVID-19.

The Daily Mirror relay that police found 27-year-old Lorena, a newly-qualified doctor, dead at the apartment she shared with De Pace. De Pace, meanwhile had reportedly cut his own wrists in an attempted suicide and was lying on the floor of the home.

Paramedics and hospital staff were able to save his life, after which, as per sources, he then told a local prosecutor: “I killed her because she gave me coronavirus.”

Early indications suggest that neither De Pace nor his wife had coronavirus, though this has not yet been confirmed.

Lorena had shared a post in the days leading up to her death concerning a report that highlighted the “unacceptable” level of doctor deaths as a result of COVID-19.

“Now more than ever we need to demonstrate responsibility and love for life,” she wrote.

“You must show respect for yourselves, your families and the country.

”You must think and remember those that dedicate their lives daily to looking after our sick.

“Let’s stick together everyone staying at home. Let’s avoid the next one falling sick is a loved one or ourselves.”

The doctor’s parents have been told her funeral will have to be held quickly as a result of the rise in coronavirus deaths. Italy remains one of the worst-affected countries, having suffered over 13,000 deaths.

Rest in peace, Lorena, we’re so sorry your life was tragically cut short when you clearly had so much to offer the world.

We can only hope that Antonio, if indeed guilty, is met with the justice he deserves.

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